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Here is a closer look at some of the activities I have done with my kids. Some are my ideas but a lot of ideas from friends, Instagram and Pinterest. We are not scared of mess.

This page is in develop, so check in later with more fun activities



Pizza Making 

Pizza making is so much fun and so easy to do. You can make your own dough but I just the roll out dough or buy the bases from the supermarket. The kids can experience with different toppings.

Dinner Time

Letting the children help with dinner time is a great way to get dinner cooked on time, while keeping the children occupied. It also encourages them to try new food and I have found they are more likely to eat something they have cooked themselves.


Tip: pour the ingredients in to individual to help them pour out the right amount


Both my children absolutely love buttering bread. Of course it is a little mess and takes longer but I can't resist their little face when they complete the job and look so proud. 

Sweet Tooth

If your little ones are anything like mine then they love sugar! I am far from a baker so we find the Just Roll packs brilliant.


A great gift that a lot of people get us is the baking packs where you just add a few extra ingredients. 

